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A Dad's Dream - To have enough money to live the kind of life his wife and kids do- Height: 5 1/4" (..
As I have grown older, I’ve learned that Pleasing Everyone is Impossible, but Pissing Everyone Off i..
At my age I've seen it all, heard it all and done it all. I just can't remember it all - Height: 5 1..
Gone Crazy - Back in 5 Min  - Height: 5 1/4" (not including the ribbon)- Width: 8 1/2"- Thickn..
Having someone to love is Family, having somewhere to go is Home, having both is a Blessing- Height:..
I only have to be nice to one person a day. Today is not your day and tomorrow doesn't look good eit..
It's not really "Drinking Alone" if your Kids are Home- Height: 5 1/4" (not including the ribbon)- W..
Not everyone can be the Queen, Some of you have to sit on the curb and wave as I go by! - Heig..
Remember, as far as anyone knows we are a Nice, Normal Family- Height: 5 1/4" (not including the rib..
Rock the Boat Sometimes... If someone falls out they were never meant to be in your boat in the firs..
Saving One Dog will not Change the World, but surely for that One Dog, the World with Change Forever..
The answer may not lie at the bottom of a bottle of wine... But one should at least check- Height: 5..
You think you want just one cat, But suddenly... - Height: 5 1/4" (not including the ribbon)- Width:..
Showing 1 to 13 of 13 (1 Pages)